Happy Pledge Drive! Donna’s show this week is about the free family event “GET READY NORTH COAST” happening at the Astoria Armory on Saturday, September 14 from 10 am to 2 pm. Free emergency preparedness gifts, lunch, games, obstacle course, arts and crafts, etc. Main sponsors are United Way Clatsop County and Northwest Natural and the Astoria Armory.
Guests are Paula Larson, Safety, Security, & Emergency Preparedness Coordinator for Columbia Memoria Hospital – and Teresa Brownlie from Northwest Natural – and Ed Hauer from Clatsop County CERT (Community Emergency Response Team).
Host Donna Quinn interviews Long Beach Peninsula author, Jan Bono. Jan will be unveiling “Oyster Spat,” her 5th Sylvia Avery Cozy Mystery at a...
Today on Talk of Our Towns, Donna Quinn talks about the brand new, larger premises for the Astoria Co-op, which opened in the Millpond...
Donna Quinn’s guest today is Katie Voelke, Executive Director of the North Coast Land Conservancy. They talk about the exciting Rainforest Reserve project —...